Unfolding of a restless soul


Very early results of a new project of mine, taken during a national storm which made the shooting more difficult, wet and troublesome than I could ask for.

The project is about my upbringing in northwest Denmark and I hope to be able to add more pictures through 2020.

All pictures is Canon R + 15-35mm/2.8L RF, 50/1.2L RF, 70-200mm/2.8L RF.


Making a personal portrait of my heritage, build from my memories and reflections. 

Make a portrait a region of Denmark, which is not naturally visited by all danes.


1. trip in february 2020, lots of wind, up to hurricane level. Heavy cumulus clouds, hail and rains. Beautiful, but few, periods of sun. Mostly pictures from the coast of the northsee, few portraits. Visited several keyplaces from my childhood.

2. trip in february 2020, first snow and some sun.

Started in the north of the territory, followed the coast and made one nice portrait of a fisherman.

Entered the Bulbjerg mountain after crossing a longer road covered with water.

Morning in the national park, and a long day in the harbour in Hanstholm.

Woke up to new snow and had a fantastic walk at Mors in very calm and quiet weather.

3. trip, mid-march 2020, very nice weather, sun and a lot of wind, not exactly my kind of weather for landscaping, but nice for roadtripping.

I had the danish radio running and everything was about corona and after 1,5 days I kind of gave in, felt a lot of people trying to avoid me and rode home again.

4. trip, end May 2020. I decided to make a camping trip in the nature preserve and brought dryfoods, water and my old Trangia stowe. The weather was changing from totally sunny, summer and to cloudy and windy at the coast, but in many ways, I prefere the more dramatic weather. I had some ok portraits and odd stuff in the countryside, and most of all, I got a summer tone into the collection, which balance the tones beautifully.